
How to Get Rid of Migraine at Home

A migraine is an extreme form of headache, and people who suffer from it experience intense pain and throbbing on one side of their head. There is also nausea, vomiting and extreme sensitivity to sound and light as a result. Migraine is a widespread problem that yet often goes underdiagnosed …

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How to Avoid Mobile Smartphone Addiction in Your Kids

Mobile phones are a part of any person’s everyday life. Whether you are young or old it’s highly probable you are using a phone, furthermore, it’s likely a smartphone. For kids, constant and excessive use of smartphones can cause addiction which can adversely affect them. The effects can vary but …

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Need to Relax? 5 Cliché Yet Fun and Proven Ways to De-stress

Did you know that stress is essential for daily life? It drives your ability to stay productive, beat deadlines, meet responsibilities, and more. The right amount of stress is healthy! However, there are things that you can’t always control. Whether it’s experiencing a family emergency, choosing between tough life decisions, …

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How Do You Feel About Tattoos?

The popularity of tattoos emerged during the 19th century. However, the history of this practice is much older, and there is evidence that people had this practice even during the pre-historic age. However, the reasons why people are getting tattoos were changing over time. For a long period, they were …

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My Fight Against Insomnia and How CBD Gummies Helped Me

Sleeping is a very normal aspect of everyone’s life, and it is possibly one of the most important aspects of it when it comes to leading a healthy lifestyle. Through sleeping our minds and bodies rest from all the effort they put throughout the day, and without it, we increase …

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