
How Fidget Toys Can Help People with ADHD and Anxiety?

For people with ADHD, fidget toys can be a godsend. They help to soothe and calm the mind, and can provide a much-needed outlet for excess energy. There are all sorts of different fidget toys available on the market, from simple stress balls to more complex puzzles and games. And …

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Is Prop 65 Something to Worry About?

Prop 65, which is officially known as Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 of California is a law which mandates the manufacturers and sellers to provide information and warnings to people who buy these goods which can contain a significantly higher amount of chemicals in them. This …

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How to Know if Your Blue Light Glasses are Working?

Are you tired all the time? Are you struggling to stay asleep at night? Maybe you’ve been noticing that your energy levels are ebbing and flowing throughout the day, and it’s hard to pinpoint a specific reason. A recent study has shown that exposure to blue light at night can …

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3 Science-Backed Tips On How to Lose Fat While Preserving Muscle

We all know that losing weight can be quite challenging. It depends on various factors like your current condition, habits, lifestyle, diet, and more. Also, it is important to understand that losing weight is not the same as losing fat. There are people with high percentage of fat in their …

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How Indoor Air Quality Can Contribute to Asthma and Allergies?

Every spring, we get the period when everything blossoms and some beautiful days are ahead of us. Even though most people love when this happens, some don’t have a good time. It’s because this blossoming causes numerous allergies, and people are sneezing, and they get runny nose congestion. Some of …

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