Ivan Hancko

I am Ivan Hancko, a content editor at jewelbeat.com. My interests revolve around website design, photo editing, front-end development, and working on Adobe Illustrator, Canva, and similar tools. I enjoy fixing broken things and taking on household tasks, including interior and exterior design and adaptation. Currently, as a professional, I actively participate in the sport of 9-pin bowling (not the classic American bowling). I'm a family man and father to a wonderful daughter. I love long, brisk walks, cycling, and being in nature.

Bubblers: A Guide to a World of Flavor and Smoothness

bubblers world of flavor and smoothness

Bubblers are a special kind of smoking device that offers a flavorful and ultra-smooth experience. Smaller than bongs but smoother than pipes, bubblers are portable water pipes using both water and air to filter and cool smoke, allowing delightful and soothing inhalation. Types of Bubblers: A Diverse Range of Options …

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5 Tips for Using a Prophecy Stone?

prophecy stone

I’ve always been fascinated by the mysterious world of prophecy stones. The idea that certain crystals might enhance psychic abilities or provide spiritual insights is quite intriguing. If you’ve recently come into possession of one of these intriguing gems, you’re probably wondering what secrets it holds and how to tap …

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Do Slant Boards Just Mask the Problem or Help Fix the Issue for Real?

slant boards

As someone who’s always hunched over my phone or laptop, I was curious to try a slant board for improving my poor posture. The ergonomics make intuitive sense – keeping your body at an angle while stretching or strengthening seems like it would train you to sit taller naturally. The …

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What Are the Benefits of Using Snail Serum?

snail serum for skin

When I first learned that snail secretion was being marketed as a skincare treatment, I was admittedly skeptical of the concept. Applying animal extracts directly to one’s face seemed quite unconventional. However, as someone with sensitive, easily dehydrated skin, I was willing to investigate non-traditional options if they showed potential …

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Is Custom Benchmade Bugout Worth It?

When it comes to pickin’ out a new knife, whether it’s something for everyday tasks, hiking trips, or general use around the house, there are countless options to choose from. One that really stood out to me though was the Benchmade Bugout, especially the customizable versions that let you add …

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