
8 Things to Never Do at a Las Vegas Blackjack Table

You expect to have a nice time and possibly make some money when you take a seat at the poker table. You need to understand some fundamental principles about the game and your behavior to achieve either of these objectives. Understanding the rules of this game is one thing, but …

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6 Reasons Why Igaming Is the Fastest-Growing Industry in the World

The 21st-century world has witnessed the emergence of technology excellently and is increasing many folds. It has helped people connect and explore global opportunities by sitting at their place. The coronavirus pandemic that hit in 2020 is an excellent example of the same where something that held people together was …

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How Much Profit Do Online Casinos Make a Day?

Every business runs on a profit motive; that is, they want to minimize the cost of operations and maximize their revenue so as to earn a net profit. Casinos, online or offline, are also business ventures, and they, too, try several techniques to improve their profit margins. Lately, online gambling …

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What Parts of the Brain Are Used When Playing Professional Poker

Our brain works in mysterious ways, and we still don’t know its entire role and function. Yes, our brain is rational but can be easily tricked as it relies mostly on our senses, memories, and impressions we make. As for how much of our brain we actually use in the …

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Which Technological Advancement Changed the Casino Industry the Most

Casinos have always been known for their lavish surroundings, opulently vibrant decor, and high-end amenities. But with time, they’ve also become more sophisticated, offering players exciting new games, better customer service, and enhanced security systems. We can say that technology has played a major role in modernizing casinos or even …

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