What Finger Do You Wear Stackable Rings?

Jewelry has always been a significant way of adding a personal touch. Now, with such a wide range of different forms of jewelry available on the market, a person can truly find the perfect accessory that will suit his or her own taste and style. Even though rings are so small in their form, we can not neglect the fact that they have always been statement jewelry pieces that someone can wear. Rings are the most special accessories since they can hold so many different meanings. In fact, they are always linked to the love meaning in the form of engagement rings, wedding or eternity rings.

However, in the last period, you may have noticed one amazing ring trend that took the world. You can probably conclude on your own that we are talking about the stacking ring trend which is highly popular. In fact, according to many, ring stacking represent one of the hottest jewelry styling trends of the moment. No matter whether you want to accessorize yourself for a date, or to go to the office, stacking ring versatility will get you covered.

Believe it or not, stackable ring fashion existed centuries ago. For instance, British paintings from the 16th through 19th centuries are displaying royals that are wearing at the same time multiple rings on one finger and several of them on every hand. Later on, stackable rings became even a bridal staple in the 20th century. Now, they are worn by modern women in all kinds of looks, whether we are talking about the elegant or casual one.

What is stacking jewelry?

For those who still have not had a chance to be introduced to stacking jewelry, we are going to explain what they represent first. Well, stacking refers to layering multiple ornaments together in order to achieve some type of highlighted appearance. People found different ways to stack even necklaces, bracelets, pendants, and now even rings. The term stacking is much more accurate to us than layering when it comes to jewelry. As we all know, accessories are representing the best way for expressing the fashion sense and putting an individual touch on the overall appearance. Stacking rings are making it so much easier for all of us to achieve that since they allow us to do so many great things with them.

So, which finger should you wear stackable rings?

We are going to give you the most simplest and accurate answer, you can literally wear stackable rings on all of your fingers. This all depends on what you are finding comfortable and stylish. First thing first, you can start paying attention to your fingers and think about how stackable rings can best suit them. There are truly no hidden fashion tricks or rules that will guide you when it comes to wearing those types of rings or even state to you that you can not wear them on some fingers or that there is a limited number of rings for each finger. The only thing that should guide you when it comes to placing your rings is the term balance. In order to achieve the balance, you can stack three or four rings on the finger. Additionally, you can decide on a short stack of different sizes of rings and one tall, but simple shape ring. Your goal is to achieve a natural appearance.

Tips to wear stackable rings

By checking Dainty stackable rings you can find a magnificent and high-class stacking ring collection that comes with different styles which will allow you to combine your favorite pieces in order to create a stunning look and breathtaking look. You can stack different sizes, shapes, and designs. We wanted to help you in the fashionable sense, so we prepared some tips that can be your guide when it comes to mixing stackable rings.

Stackable rings should highlight your personal style

The first thing that you should know is that all those rings that you pick and choose to wear should primarily fit your personality and your own style. Therefore, there is no need to copy someone else’s style and strictly follow the way celebrities are wearing stackable rings. You should completely choose the style and design of the rings that you like, rather than what you think other people will like. In general, you should apply this rule to any jewelry trend.

By stacking your rings, you can be free to express your creativity

One of the greatest things when it comes to stacking your rings is that you can be creative as much as you like with them. This means that you can mix up different colors of gemstones, different designs, shapes, and forms of the rings while you stack them on your fingers. You can be free to experiment and once you start doing that, you will see how many different opportunities stacking rings can open up for you. In that way, you will find what form of stacking highlights your style the most.

You should remember that less is more when it comes to this fashionable trend

Pick up your statement fingers and start with the process of stacking. The only thing you should pay attention to when you start stacking rings is not to overcrowd one finger. It would be best to put two or three rings up on one finger. This can create a beautiful and natural look. Therefore, just remember that sometimes less can grab attention more.

Why do not you create a stunning look with diamonds?

In case you love diamonds, you can completely be free to include diamonds ring in the process of stacking your rings, Many people decide to wear only that one diamond ring on their hand in order to highlight its appearance. However, you can achieve the same glamorous look by deciding to stack rings including the diamonds. There are so many options to choose from. You can decide to stack up more diamonds as well and they will shine brighter than ever.

About Dragana Kodzo

My name is Dragana, and I serve as the editor of the website jewelbeat.com. As a mother of three children, I primarily spend my free time with them.

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